Category: Sample Data

A previous version of Orange Cash was launched in conjunction with MasterCard in 2014 that allowed customers to make online payments using a prepaid account, with in-store payments facilitated by a traditional plastic card.

The new Orange Cash service, in partnership with technology provider Wirecard and Visa, introduces in-store mobile payments and “key enhancements that will progressively turn the first one obsolete,” Orange Spain told NFC World.

“In 2014, Orange launched a previous version of Orange Cash with different technological partners, schemes and functionalities for the end user,” the carrier explained to NFC World. “The new version of the service includes key enhancements for the end user including mobile payments and secure online payments.

“Thanks to the new Orange Cash service, Orange customers can pay with their smartphones at every point of sale accepting Visa contactless, [with] more than 530,000 in Spain and 2.4 million in Europe.

“In addition, users can perform online payments securely through virtual cards generated automatically by the app, with virtual numbering valid for just 24 hours. Thus, the user avoids introducing the real data of his credit or debit card. The virtual card will be cancelled after those 24 hours.”

“To start using Orange Cash, customers need an NFC compatible device and an NFC SIM,” Orange Spain added. “Just by approaching the smartphone to a contactless point of sale and entering the PIN, the transaction will be completed without showing the bank card or performing additional actions. Up to now the app is available only for Android smartphones. The new Orange Cash service is exclusive for Orange customers.”

As part of the partnership, Wirecard is responsible for the design, implementation and processing of all technical and financial processes related to Orange Cash, including the issuing and payment processing of digital Visa cards.

“All functions of Orange Cash are combined in an intuitive smartphone application developed by Wirecard,” the provider explains. “The app provides outstanding usability and design combined with innovative functions like incentives and cashback offers, and real-time information about balance and transactions.

“To complete the concept, the prepaid-based accounts are able to make purchases securely in any online shop using a one-time virtual credit card generated in real time through the app. These one-time cards are valid for a short period of 24 hours at only one merchant.”